Apps Guest Posts

Guest Post: How to Create and Utilize Chatwing Chat Software

Saturday, October 12, 2013Traveliztera

How to Create and Utilize Chatwing Chat Software
Guest Post by Chatwing

Nowadays, it is common to see people use chatting tools to communicate with their friends and families. This is because these tools are much more convenient to use and are very affordable. Some of these have also been complemented with features, making them better at relaying instant messages to its users. Chatwing is just that tool – able to deliver the best chatting experience to its users with its excellent chatting capabilities further complemented with its features. The chatting tool is very easy to utilize, be it directly or as a supporting tool on a site. 

Here’s how you can do so: 


First, make a Chatwing account. You can get one by filling up the registration form at Chatwing’s homepage. It’ll only ask you for an email and a password so it’s very easy to accomplish. 

Create Your Chatbox

After finishing the registration process, you’ll be redirected to the Dashboard page. This is the place where you can create your new chatrooms and manage them. Currently, you should have one chatbox there that you can use. You can use that or create a new one by pressing the Create chatbox button. 

After that, press the corresponding Customize button of the chatbox you have chosen to head on to the next step.


Before using your chatroom, you must modify it first to make it more appealing for your chatters. This step is also important as this is where you’ll get access to most of Chatwing’s additional functions. This process is separated into tabs and each one either changes a part of the chatroom or lets you utilize its optional functions. Changing the fonts, the message backgrounds, or playing music inside the chatroom – all of that and more can be done in Chatwing’s customization panel. 

The customization settings are set to Basic mode by default. You can switch to Advance mode by pressing the Switch button found on top of the Customization panel. It allows more customization options for you to utilize and change. 

Note: Each tab has its own corresponding Save button. Press that after changing the settings on that tab to implement those changes. 

Once you’re done modifying, press the Use button on top of the Customization panel.


In this page, you will choose how to utilize Chatwing. There are three methods to choose from – Group Chat URL, Embedded Options and Popout Options. You’ll need to choose only one of the three – choose one that will be the most convenient for you to use. 

Group Chat URL

In this method, you’ll be given a URL link for your chatbox. Using that, you can instantly access it via your browser. Then, you can invite your friends over by giving them the said link. The link is rather long but you can make it shorter and more user-friendly by setting up your chatroom’s alias feature in the customization panel. 

Embedded Options

This option will embed the chatroom directly onto your site. This is pretty useful if you want Chatwing as a supporting tool for your site if you have one. In this method, you’ll need to adjust the size of your chatbox first. You can see the changes you’ve made from the preview window on the right – this will be the actual size of your chatbox once it goes live on your site.

Once done, look for the HTML code of your chatbox inside the Javascript box below. There’s also another line of code below it. Copy those two and paste them on your site where you want the chatbox to show. There are added instructions there that will tell you where to put them exactly. Once that’s done, save the changes you’ve made on your site and open it again – the chatroom should be there and it will be ready for use. 

Note: If Javascript doesn’t work on your site, use the iFrame codes instead. It’s found on the bottom of the Embedded Options tab.

Popout Options

Popout Options works the same as the Embedded Options, in the sense that it will embed your chatroom into your site – though it’s done indirectly. Instead of the chatroom, a popout icon will be embedded and once clicked, it will show the chatroom in another window. 

In the Popout Options tab you can see some customization options for the popout icon. You can change the color, size and even what’s written on it.  When you’re done with customizing that, look for the HTML code of the icon below. Copy that and paste where you want it to show on your site to finish the process.

Chatwing can be used by anyone, anywhere, and anytime. It doesn’t matter if you have a site or not, for you can easily open your browser and type in your chatroom’s link and meet up with your friends. What’s more is that with its features, you’ll surely have the most enjoyable conversations with them. And of course, it comes with functions that will make managing it a piece of cake. Banning people out, erasing messages or making the chatroom a private place only for friends – all of that is easily doable with Chatwing chat software. 

Author: Chatwing 

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