Australia NEWS

P&OEdge Outdoor Activities on a Cruise

Tuesday, October 15, 2013Traveliztera

Imagine Rose from Titanic, being all proper and poise while sitting quietly at a dining room on board the famous ship, then suddenly, Jack takes her out and gives her the most exciting experience of her life...

Then add more adrenaline to that.

That is what you get when you hop on board P&OEdge

SOURCE: Screencapture from a video by P&OCruises 

P&OEdge is the world's largest adventure park at sea, giving the adventure-seeking child in you the opportunity to play around the different parts of the ship. Some of the activities on board include:

  • Cargo Net Race
  • Flying Fox
  • High Ropes Rig
  • Slackline Bouncing Bridge
  • Titanic Moment
  • High Ropes Atrium
  • Midship High Games
  • Aft Funnel Climbs
  • Abseil
  • Bungee Tramp
  • Bosun's Chair Challenge
  • Segway Obstacle Course
  • Laser Tag
  • Big Screen Climb
  • Ship Apex Climb
  • P&O Bow Ladder Climb
  • Slackline Surfing
  • Shore Tours
  • Kids Adventure Program

This exciting playground will be around on Pacific Pearl & Pacific Dawn in 2014.

Check out this hair-raising (in a good and exciting way) video:

Personally, I am definitely excited. I love cruises, and what I usually do on board would be to eat, check out the view, take photos, relax, then sleep. That's about it. But this great opportunity is definitely going to pump everyone out with its endless adrenaline-filled activities on board.

There will always be something to do, whether you love extreme activities, or you just want minimal activities. This is one cruise that will keep you fit and filled with energy.

SOURCE: Screencapture from a video by P&OCruises 

Outdoor activities will definitely never be the same again, especially when you have the stunning view of the sea. Feeling the ocean breeze while swinging, running, jumping, and climbing around is giving a complementary relaxation to the very active atmosphere. This is the feeling that I am looking forward to experience. 

I can't wait!!!

This is a sponsored post, but opinions are my own.

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