WEIGHTLOSS: General WEIGHTLOSS: My Diet/Exercise Diary


Sunday, February 03, 2013Traveliztera

Remember when I posted before about my weightloss journey from 150 lbs. to 103 lbs. ? My story was also published in Women's Health September 2010 issue:

After this interview, I reached 102 lbs., but I gained muscle weight after trying to continue my strength training plan, making me reach 115 lbs. 

Now, ever since I moved to Australia (2011), I gained 10 lbs. This was because I was adjusting to new routines, food choices, and activities. Despite going to the gym and walking/running long distances, I never got back to 115 lbs.

Then I went to the Philippines recently. BUFFET/EAT-OUTS everyday! I gained more weight, and now, I can't fit into my old jeans. I dislike buying new jeans for my new size, because I want to always be motivated to go back to my old size. Thus, IT'S TIME FOR ANOTHER ROUND OF MY WEIGHTLOSS JOURNEY! 

I have never gotten back to my old weight of 150 lbs.-- which is good. I'm around 125 lbs. right now. When I was in the Philippines last January, I reached 130 lbs. My goal is to at least be at 115 lbs. by May 2013. If possible, I want to be at 110 lbs. (without muscle weight), and once I start gaining muscles, I am fine to be at around 120 lbs. I want go back to my athletic self, and I just can't wait to get there! 

I am not perfect. I was not able to maintain my old weight. But that's normal! Even celebrities are having some struggles with losing and gaining weight every now and then. It is easy to criticise people, but look, even in other aspects of life, we have highs and lows. It's part of the learning process. Like in my case, I have learned a lot with my past weightloss journey, so now I know how to correct my habits, helping me get what I want.

So here's my tip to my fellow "weightlosers"-- ANNOUNCE YOUR WEIGHTLOSS PLAN. It gives you the support from your friends, and you get motivated to surprise people that YOU CAN DO IT. You do not want to disappoint them by not living out your announced commitment. That's the trick. This worked well with me before, and I hope this will help you too!

Stay tuned for my other weightloss tips and helpful apps that can get you going with your weightloss journey! Meanwhile, check out my WEIGHTLOSS POSTS here. 

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10 Travelers with Comments. Click to comment!

  1. Hi, Liz! I actually came upon your blog two years ago while searching for Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. I have lost and gained and I am trying to lose a lot of weight now haha, around 15 lbs. Good luck. Which exercise route are you taking this time?

    1. Hi Marie! Hehe my name's Steph by the way... Awww nice to know you saw my blog again!

      At least it's just 15 lbs for you! I'm doing the 30-day shred again with dancing. I'm planning to do Zumba too! :D Good luck on your journey!

    2. Oops, sorry, Steph! haha. That's just the starting point, to lose 15 pounds, but I need to get rid of around twenty to twenty five actually. I think Jillian has "Ripped in 30", but I have not seen it yet.

    3. It's okay Ate Marie! :D
      I have a copy of Ripped in 30... That is like a long version of the 30-day shred and is more challenging... I didn't manage to finish it, but I hope to finish it next month after I finish the 30-day shred this month. =D I think there are youtube vids of the dvd's preview... :)

  2. oh! I hate telling my friends that i have to loose weight. ill just let myself be bullied by them. they're not actually all supportive in loosing weight because they thinnk that big is okay. err! of course not

    1. I just checked your blog and saw your photo-- you look fit to me! :) Yeah, some of my friends tell me that my body is okay... And when that happens, I look for support somewhere else, like people who have the same goals. =D

    2. ;-)thank you for visiting and following. i just secretly do my diet to loose weight instead

  3. Ohh - so we are on the same page. haha but my problem is I am not consistent enough to get back to my old size five years ago :( sarap kasi kumain eh. Anyhow - mind me asking your height? Because you look slimmer than I do pero mas heavy ka compared to my current weight. 5ft flat lang ako / 99 pounds but I carry a lot of fats specially sa belly and arms so sad to see in the photos.

  4. loosing weight feels really great! i have lost 21kg already from 74kg to 53kg since April 2012. been doing extreme workout as well!

  5. This reminds me to go back to the gym after giving birth. I need it. Oh yeah.. "balik-alindog" program again. Haha.


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